Gladiator Wine Blog

Thanksgiving Wine Dilemma

Written and Produced by Tony Margiotta

You’re roasting a Turkey on Thanksgiving Day. How do you choose the perfect wine? 

It’s a tough question because you have both white and dark meat in a Turkey. Aren’t you supposed to drink white wines with white meant? And red wines with dark meat? 

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. 

The answer is, “think about the gravy.” Is it heavy, thick gravy? Or low fat, watery gravy? 

If you’re going to pour heavy gravy over your turkey breast and dark meat, then going with a full body red is fine if you prefer full body reds. 

If your gravy is not too fatty, then go with a medium body red with low tannins. Something that doesn’t overpower the meal. 

This is what I would do: I’d get a dry rose, ideally fuller bodied, to start off the evening dinner and move to a medium body red with low tannins somewhere over the course of the meal. You could also stick with one or the other for the whole meal. That way, you’ve take “the middle of the road” approach. 

White wines are fine if you only drink white wines, but I’d stick with dry and crispy types  like a Verdicchio or Fiano. Hey, you’re only going to get Italian wine recommendations from me 🙂 

Recommended Medium Body Reds:

Montepulciano d’Abruzzo

Nero d’Avola


Recommended Rose:

Cantina Attanasio “Martino” Rose

Cerasuolo d’Abruzzo

Recommended Dry White Wines;



Happy Thanksgiving! 


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